Plain and simple, the reason you’re reading this right now is because you’re wondering how to get a gaming sponsor on Twitch, right?


Well, believe it or not, the answer is actually pretty simply.

It just takes a little bit of work.

Let me walk you through what I mean:

Step #1: Build up a following of loyal fans

Sounds obvious, I know.

But if you want a gaming sponsor – a gaming sponsor who actually takes you seriously – you need to build up a following of loyal fans.

Fans who watch your streams.

Fans who support you.

LOYAL fans who will move heaven and earth for you and your stream.

That, my fellow Gaming Zombie, is what sponsors are looking for, because it means you have an audience for them.

They aren’t just going to sponsor you just for the sake of it.

Something has to be in it for them.

And that “something” is the attention of your loyal fans.

So, how do you build up a following of loyal fans?

Well, first off, you need to be consistent with your gaming times.

If viewers know that at 8 PM every day they can catch you gaming, then you’re already ahead of the game.

Second, you need to give viewers a reason to WANT to follow you.

And you do this by making sure your gaming sessions are interesting and engaging.

So, initially, at least, stay away from games that are too slow-moving and boring.

Think fast-paced, action-packed games.

And third, you need to be responsive on social media.

You can’t just get a following and expect it to stick around forever unless you’re actively engaging with it.

This means responding to comments and questions on Reddit, Twitter, Twitch Chat – wherever your followers are! 

Twitch Sponsorships 

Step #2: Get Twitch Sponsors to Notice You

Once you have a following of loyal fans, it’s time to start getting Twitch sponsors to stop and take notice.

How? I hear you ask.

Well, by proactively networking with gaming companies on:

Basically, anywhere and everywhere you can get a hold of them – do it.

Don’t just sit back waiting for a Twitch sponsor to approach you.

Proactively go out there and make it happen.

In other words, build a relationship with business owners of small companies and they’ll keep an eye on the growth of your channel.

When they decide they’d like to sponsor someone, you’ll be the top of their mind.

Esports Sponsorship

Step #3: Negotiating Your Twitch Sponsorship Deal

And the final step to getting a Twitch sponsorship is actually striking up a Twitch sponsorship deal.

At this stage, you’ve already built up a loyal following and gotten Twitch sponsors to take note of your channel.

And now?

Well, now they want to start working with you.

All you have to do is agree on – and negotiate – your esports sponsorship deal.

Remember, you have a loyal following, you’ve built some rapport with your chosen sponsor, you have something they want, so don’t leave yourself short here.

Too many gamers do that.

Instead work out what your worth is to them.

Put yourself in their shoes.

And figure out what you’d be willing to give a gamer of popularity to strike up a win-win esports sponsorship deal.

Some examples include:

  • Free merch to wear during your streams
  • Getting paid to wear their logo during your streams
  • Earning recurring revenue through becoming an affiliate for their products
  • Getting paid just to mention their name during your streams

Then, of course, you need to figure out how much you’re getting paid, what merch you’d like to wear, and, well, all that good stuff.

Make sense?


Just remember, though, you need to stick to your values.

Don’t promote something you don’t believe in.

Don’t just take money just for the sake of earning money.

Find out what your sponsor is all about.

Make sure it ties in with your fanbase.

Make sure it’s something they’d appreciate.

Do that and it’s a win-win-win for you, your esport sponsor, and, of course, your loyal following of fans.

In conclusion:

That, my fellow Gaming Zombie, is how to get a gaming sponsor on Twitch.  

It’s not easy, but it IS straightforward if you put in the time and effort to:

  • Build up your following of loyal fans. 
  • Be proactive about networking with Twitch sponsors
  • Negotiate the right deal for you

And, of course, stick to your values.

That’s key.

For you and your followers.

So, put in the work and watch as the offers roll in.

Oh, and as always, have fun gaming!

-The Zombie Writing Team